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Список сторонних утилит и компонентов для C++ Builder XE5

Это список сторонних утилит и компонентов от партнеров Embarcadero Technology, которые поддерживают C + + Builder XE5 по состоянию на октябрь 2013 года.

Embarcadero Technology партнерский каталог.

Компоненты сторонних производителей и инструментов, поддерживающих: C + + Builder XE5

Product Name  Description 
Apollo Vista Software
United States
Apollo is a high-performance BDE replacement for managing Clipper and FoxPro database files in Delphi and C++Builder. 100% TDataSet compatible, Apollo components are fully integrated into the VCL.
Chant Developer Workbench Chant Inc.
United States
Develop Software that Speaks and Listens
CnPack IDE Wizards CnPack
CnPack IDE Wizards, with the short name CnWizards, is a free plug-in tools set used in Delphi/C++Builder/BDS/RAD Studio to improve development efficiency.
CodeSite  Raize Software, Inc.
United States
The CodeSite Logging System enables developers to locate problems more quickly and ensure their application is running correctly. CodeSite's loggging classes allow capturing (locally/remotely) all kinds of information to a live display or a log file.
DAC for MySQL MicroOLAP Technologies Ltd
Russian Federation
DAC for MySQL (also known as MySQLDAC) is the most powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder/ MySQL. It allows you to create Delphi/BCB applications with direct access to MySQL DB without BDE/ODBC. Any MySQL library is not required.
DD Service Application Framework DuoData
DDService is an enhanced Windows NT service application framework.
Dew Lab Studio 2013 Dew Research
Dew Lab Studio is a set of products for science and engeering. It includes modules for vectorized math, linear algebra, statistics and signal processing.
DropMaster  Raize Software, Inc.
United States
DropMaster™ is a set of 4 native VCL controls for Delphi and C++Builder that enabled developers to support inter-application drag and drop between their application and others such as Microsoft Office, a Web browser, etc.
ESBPCS for VCL ESB Consultancy
Collection of VCL Components and Routines making Data Entry and Manipulation Easier for the Developer and their Customers.
ESBPCS-Calcs for VCL ESB Consultancy
ESBPCS-Calcs is a subset of ESBPCS containing Components and Routines for Calculators and Unit Conversion in Delphi and C++ Builder. Includes Data Aware Components and full source, as well as a good subset of the controls.
ESBPCS-Dates for VCL  ESB Consultancy
ESBPCS-Dates is a subset of ESBPCS containing Components and Routines for Calendars and Date/Time Manipulation in Delphi and C++ Builder. Includes Data Aware Components and full source, as well as a good subset of the controls.
ESBPCS-Stats for VCL ESB Consultancy
ESBPCS-Stats is a subset of ESBPCS containing Components and Routines for Statistical Analysis and Matrix/Vector Manipulation in Delphi and C++ Builder. Includes Data Aware Components and full source, as well as a good subset of the controls.
FastMM Professional Software Development
South Africa
FastMM is a lightning fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well in multi-threaded applications, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.
GrammarKit Chant Inc.
United States
Develop Grammars for High-performance Recognition
ImageEn Xequte Software
New Zealand
Image Editing and Display Library for Delphi, C++ Builder and .Net
Inspex  Raize Software, Inc.
United States
Inspex™ is an advanced set of native VCL grid controls specifically designed for inspecting objects and other data types in your programs.
KinectKit Chant Inc.
United States
Build Humanlike Interfaces for Natural User Experience
LexiconKit Chant Inc.
United States
Tailor Pronunciations for Maximum Clarity
LMD BarPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD BarPack provides components which help you to enhance your projects with advanced bar controls (ExplorerBar and SectionBar).
LMD DesignPack 2014 (Delphi/C++Builder) LMD Innovative
LMD DesignPack controls enhance your projects with advanced designing features - e.g. by adding an object inspector, extended form designer or diagrams.
LMD DockingPack 2014 for Delphi/CBuilder LMD Innovative
LMD DockingPack helps you to build applications with an entirely customizable and modern user interface. Add docking features with floating panels as known e.g. from Visual Studio!
LMD ElPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD ElPack - the Unicode enabled component suite including more than 170 controls!
LMD FxPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD FxPack was designed to help you adding exciting splash screens or form transitions to your applications - select from over 70 families of animation and transition effects which again provide hundreds of different variations.
LMD IDE-Tools 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD IDE-Tools represents a collection of native VCL components which help you to set up a complete IDE environment in a quick and easy way (designable forms, scripting features etc., syntax editor etc.)
LMD RichPack 2014 for Delphi /C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD RichPack contains several controls (based on MS RichEdit DLL) allowing integration of text editor functionality into your application.
LMD ScriptPack 2014 for Delphi/CBuilder LMD Innovative
LMD ScriptPack enables Delphi/CBuilder applications to support active scripting languages installed in Windows Scripting Host (such as VB Script, Java Script, etc).
LMD SearchPack 2014 for Delphi/CBuilder LMD Innovative
LMD SearchPack supports you integrating advanced search features (e.g. for HTML files) including support for wildcards and AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators.
LMD ShellPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder  LMD Innovative
LMD ShellPack contains controls which help creating Windows Explorer like projects and solving shell/system related tasks.
LMD StoragePack 2014 Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD StoragePack controls are used to save/restore configuration data. Possible target formats are the Registry or Ini-, XML- and binary files.
LMD SysPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD SysPack controls are used for retrieving extensive system information.
LMD WebPack 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD WebPack helps you to integrate advanced webbased features like updates via internet, display of news items, scanning of web sites or HTML pages.
LMD-Tools 2014 for Delphi/C++Builder LMD Innovative
LMD-Tools - the legendary component suite containing more than 425 VCL components! Buttons, Dialogs, Multimedia, System, Data-aware, Container, Standard, Label, and extended controls allow developers to produce professional applications.
madExcept Systemsoftware Mathias Rauen
extended exception catching
automatic exception analyzation
NexusDB ADO.Net provider NexusDB Pty Ltd
The NexusDB ADO.Net Provider is a full implementation of the MS ADO.Net Provider interfaces. It allows full ADO.NET Provider compatible access to a NexusDB database via the optimized NexusDB transports or direct access via embedded serverengine.
NexusDB AWE Server NexusDB Pty Ltd
NexusDB Server AWE edition brings you the possibilities of 64-bit computing to your Win-32 or Win-64 operating system NOW! It breaks the dreaded 2 GB barrier and uses all the memory that your operating system has access to for your database cache.
NexusDB PHP Connector NexusDB Pty Ltd
PHP connector for NexusDB database
NexusDB v3 NexusDB Pty Ltd
NexusDB is an ultra-fast, client/server database engine designed for the Delphi and C++Builder developer. It's nimble enough to be fully embedded into your desktop applications and powerful enough to be your primary database server.
PostgresDAC MicroOLAP Technologies Ltd
Russian Federation
Powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder and PostgreSQL 8.x, 9.x/Pervasive Postgres/EnterpriseDB. It allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to PostgreSQL/Pervasive Postgres/EnterpriseDB DB without BDE and ODBC.
ProfileKit Chant Inc.
United States
Administer Speaker Profiles for Accurate Recognition
Raize Components  Raize Software, Inc.
United States
Raize™ Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++Builder. At its center are more than 125 general-purpose native VCL controls along with more than 100 component designers focused on simplifying user interface development.
RealThinClient SDK RealThinClient
Components for building reliable HTTP(S) Servers, Clients, Routers, Proxies, Load Balancers and ISAPIs with Delphi 7 - XE5 for Win32, Win64, Mac OSX, iOS and Android.
RichViewActions TRichView.com
Russian Federation
RichViewActions is a set of actions and components for creating user interface for a a word processor.
ScaleRichView WYSIWYG Editor Components TRichView.com
Russian Federation
ScaleRichView is a set of VCL components for creating WYSIWYG word processors.
SpeechKit Chant Inc.
United States
Integrate Speech Technology for Hands-free Operation
TatukGIS Developer Kernel 10 TatukGIS sp . z o.o.
A comprehensive GIS development toolkit provided as a:
  1. Delphi/C++Builder VCL (Win32 & Win64)
  2. ActiveX control (Win32 & Win64)
  3. .NET fully manageable component WinForms
  4. Compact Framework component
TeeChart™ Pro  Steema Software
Charting and diagramming library of components for FireMonkey and VCL in RAD XE5, Delphi, C++Builder, and for RPCL in HTML5 Builder (PHP and JavaScript).
TRichView Editor Components TRichView.com
Russian Federation
Components for editing documents with images, tables and hypertext links
TurboDB dataweb GmbH
Lightweight multi-user database engine for Delphi & C++ Builder. Replaces the BDE and includes Table, Query, Database, BatchMove components and others. TurboDB applications don't need any special installation and can run from CD or Web space.
Visagesoft eXPert PDF ViewerX visagesoft
Activex control for viewing pdf documents
VoiceMarkupKit Chant Inc.
United States
Fine-tune Speech Synthesis with Text-to-Speech Markup
VoiceXMLKit Chant Inc.
United States
Win over your audience with enriched communications.
X-DBData Components X-Files Software
X-DBData Components package was designed to can directly use any indexed data structures with db-aware data components, especially with our TXDBGrid component.
X-DBGrid Component X-Files Software
X-DBGrid Component Package contains a set of professional advanced components designed for Delphi and C++Builder. X-DBGrid Component Package is a main part of X-Files Components Package.
X-Files Components X-Files Software
X-Files Components package contains a full set of advanced components designed for Delphi and C++Builder.
XE5 Plus Pack JED Software
An evolving collection of IDE Experts, Component Editors, Property Editors and Utilities for Delphi XE4.
ZieglerCollection one ZieglerSoft
ZieglerCollection one" is a collection of Delphi 16/32-bit components together with a lot of functions and procedures. The collection is made to make your life as a Delphi or C++Builder programmer a lot easier
56 product(s) found.

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