Информационная книга Bob Swart (aka Dr.Bob) для пользователей Delphi XE3 Starter.
This Delphi XE Starter Essentials manual covers the fundamentals and the new features in Delphi XE Starter (compared to Delphi 7 Personal). There are some more advanced topics that fell beyond the scope of this "starter essentials" manual which will be covered in other places (see http://www.eBob42.com/courseware for details).
Delphi XE DataSnap Development
Delphi XE XML, SOAP & Web Services
Delphi Prism XE Development Essentials
Delphi for Win32 Database Development
Delphi for Win32 VCL for the Web Development
The information in this courseware manual is © 2011 by drs. Robert E. (Bob) Swart of Bob Swart Training & Consultancy. All Rights Reserved.
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