Курс "81242 Основы финансов в Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central"
Код: 81242 Специализация: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Продолжительность - 2 дня
Производится набор группы
40 000 руб.
This course describes how to set up and manage a company's financial activities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
What are the goals for this course?
Setup the General Ledger
Define accounting periods
Setup a Chart of Accounts
Create and post journal entries
Review recurring journals
Create a bank account
Apply payments
Describe debit collections
Define check management
Reconcile payments
Process payments to include discounts
Set up and assign reminder terms and finance charge terms
Define VAT calculation types and calculate VAT
Transfer statement account balances
Setup prepayments
Close a fiscal year
General knowledge of Microsoft Office
General knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Some previous experience with development processes and concepts with Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Business Central
Программа курса
Module 01: Getting Started with Finance
Finance Focused Role Centers
Finance Master Data
Module 02: Chart of Accounts
G/L Account Card
Create an Account in the G/L Account Card
G/L Account Categories
Maintaining G/L Account Categories
Assign Dimensions to G/L Accounts
Assign Dimensions to a Single Account
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts
How to maintain the Chart of Accounts
G/L Entries
Module 03: General Journals
Creating Journal Entries
How to Create Journal Entries
Processing Journal Entries
Standard Journals
Recurring Journals
Processing Recurring Journals
Using Deferrals
Module 04: Processing Customer and Vendor Invoices
Invoicing Options
Invoicing Customers
Processing Vendor Invoices
Correcting Posted Invoices
Module 05: Cash Management — Receivables and Payables
Bank Account Overview
Bank Account Card Fields
Customer and Vendors in Cash Management
Analyzing Receivables and Payables
Cash Receipt Journal and Payment Journal Overview
Entering Payments in the Cash Receipt Journal and Payment Journal
Applying Payments
Applying Payments Scenarios
Payment Registration
Reconcile Payments with the Payment Registration
Suggest Vendor Payments
Use the Suggest Vendor Payments Batch Job
Check Management
Print and Void Checks
Payment Reconciliation
Using the Payment Reconciliation Journal
Bank Data Conversion Service
Payment Services
How to Set Up and Use Payment Services
Module 06: Cash Management — Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation
Performing a Bank Reconciliation
Module 07: Payment Discounts and Payment Tolerances
Payment Discounts
Set Up Payment Discounts
Process Sales Payment Discounts
How to process Sales Payment Discounts
Process Purchase Payment Discounts
Payment Discount Tolerance and Payment Tolerance
Set Up a Payment Discount Tolerance and Payment Tolerance
Process the Payment Discount Tolerance
Module 08: Managing Receivables Reminders and Finance Charge Memos
Reminder Terms
Set Up and Assign Reminder Terms
Set Up Additional Fee
Create and Issue Reminders
Set Up and Assign Finance Charge Terms
Create and Issue Finance Charge Memos
Calculate Interest on Reminders
Interest Calculation Rules in Reminders
Review Reminders and Finance Charge Entries
Module 09: VAT
Display VAT Amounts in Sales and Purchase Documents
Adjust VAT Amounts in Sales and Purchase Documents and Journals
Unrealized VAT
VAT Statements
VAT Settlement
Running the Calc. and Post VAT Settlement Batch Job
Module 10: Prepayments
Setup Prepayments
Assign Prepayment Percentages
How to Assign Prepayment Percentages
Process Prepayment Sales and Purchase Orders
Module 11: Accounting Periods
Accounting Periods Window
Creating New Accounting Periods
Allow and Disallow Posting
Closing a Fiscal Year
How to Close a Fiscal Year
Облачный сервис Microsoft Dynamics 365 объединил в себе самые последние CRM- и ERP-решения компании для комплексного и более продуктивного управления бизнесом, включая контроль рабочего процесса, распределение ресурсов, формирование различных видов финансовой отчетности, а также повышение качества предоставляемых организацией услуг, анализ клиентской активности или планирование продаж.
Пользователи сервиса Microsoft Dynamics 365 могут использовать широкие возможности интегрированных аналитических инструментов Power BI и сервисов продвинутой аналитики из «облака» Microsoft Azure Cortana Intelligence Suite для оптимизации производства, получения детализированных рыночных прогнозов и создания актуальных, учитывающих множество экономических факторов, маркетинговых планов.
По окончании авторизованного курса Microsoft выдаётся международный сертификат Microsoft
Подтвердить полученные знания можно, сдав сертификационные экзамены. Учебный центр "Интерфейс" является авторизованным центром тестирования Pearson VUE
Учебный центр "Интерфейс" оказывает консалтинговые услуги по построению моделей бизнес-процессов, проектированию информационных систем, разработке структуры баз данных и т.д.
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