Курс "80649 Дистрибуция и торговля в Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8"
Код: 80649 Специализация: Microsoft Dynamics Ax (Axapta)
Продолжительность - 4 дня
Производится набор группы
80 000 руб.
Module 1: Overview
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Distribution and Trade
Lesson 3: Over and Under Delivery, and Charges
Lesson 4: Customer and Vendor Agreements
Lesson 5: Item Arrival and Registration, and Quarantine Management
Lesson 6: Vendor Returns and Customer Returns
Lesson 7: Sales Quotations
Lesson 8: Item Reservations and Sales Order Picking
Lesson 9: Commissions
Lesson 10: Transfer Orders and Reports
Lesson and Module Summary
Module 2: Over and Under Delivery
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Over and Under Delivery Setup
Lesson 3: Review Over and Under Delivery Settings
Lesson and Module Summary
Module 3: Charges
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Working With Charges
Lesson 3: Manual Charges
Lesson 4: Automatic Charges
Lesson and Module Summary
Module 4: Customer and Vendor Agreements
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Activate Trade Agreements
Lesson 3: Activate Price/Discount Form
Lesson 4: Trade Agreement Setup Flow
Lesson 5: Create a Trade Agreement Journal
Lesson 6: Generic Currency and Smart Rounding
Lesson 7: Trade Agreement Parameters
Lesson 8: Purchase and Sales Agreements
Lesson 9: About Agreement Commitment Types
Lesson 10: Product Quantity Commitments
Lesson 11: Category Commitments
Lesson 12: Manually Link a Sales Order to an Agreement
Module 5: Item Arrival and Registration
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Item Registration Setup
Lesson 3: Item Arrivals
Lesson and Module Summary
Module 6: Quarantine Management
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Quarantine Warehouse Setup Parameters
Lesson 3: Configure Quarantine Warehouses
Lesson 4: Quarantine Order Process
Lesson 5: Create a Manual Quarantine Order
Lesson 6: Inventory Transactions on Quarantined Items
Module 7: Vendor Returns
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Vendor Return Methods
Lesson 3: Copy a Purchase Order for a Vendor Return
Lesson 4: Returned Order Type
Lesson 5: Vendor Returns for Serialized Items
Module 8: Sales Quotations
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Sales Quotation Setup
Lesson 3: Sales Quotation Process
Lesson 4: Create and Process a Sales Quotation
Lesson 5: Copying Sales Quotations
Lesson 6: About Trade Agreements and Supplementary Items
Lesson 7: BOMs on Sales Quotations
Lesson 8: Additional Sales Quotation Features
Module 9: Item Reservations
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Why Perform Reservations and What Can You Reserve?
Lesson 3: Manual Reservations
Lesson 4: Automatic Reservations
Lesson 5: Automatic Reservations and Selection of Batches
Lesson 6: Explosion Reservation
Lesson 7: View Reservations
Lesson 8: Locking and Cancelling Reservations
Lesson 9: Batch Reservations
Lesson 10: Picking Reserved Items
Module 10: Sales Order Picking
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Sales Order Picking Setup
Lesson 3: Sales Order Picking Processes
Lesson 4: Release Sales Order Picking
Lesson 5: Automatic Registration of a Pick
Lesson 6: Manual Registration of a Pick
Lesson 7: Item Pick Registration of Serialized and Batch Inventory
Lesson 8: About the Picking Workbench
Lesson 9: Picking Workbench Setup
Lesson 10: Boxing Logic
Lesson 11: Run the Picking Workbench
Lesson 12: Edit, Reverse, and Split a Pick
Module 11: Customer Returns
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Customer Return Setup Components
Lesson 3: Create Reason Codes and Charges
Lesson 4: Disposition Codes
Lesson 5: Return Order Process
Lesson 6: Create a Return Order
Lesson 7: Item Arrival and Receipt Registration
Lesson 8: Returns for Not Stocked Products
Lesson 9: Quarantine Orders
Lesson 10: Replacement Orders
Module 12: Commissions
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Commission Setup Components
Lesson 3: About Commission Calculations
Lesson 4: Configure Commission Calculations
Lesson 5: Commission Calculation Hierarchy
Lesson 6: View Commission Transactions
Lesson 7: Commission Transactions for Return Items
Module 13: Transfer Orders
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: Set Up Transfer Orders
Lesson 3: Using the Transfer Orders Form
Lesson 4: Picking Items for a Transfer Order
Module 14: Reports
Lesson 1: Module Overview
Lesson 2: About ABC Inventory Classification
Lesson 3: Configure, Run, and Review ABC Classifications
Lesson 4: Physical Inventory by Inventory Dimension Report
Lesson 5: About the Inventory Aging Report
Lesson 6: Run the Inventory Aging Report
Lesson 7: Forecasting Reports
Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональная система управления ресурсами предприятия (ERP II) для средних и крупных компаний. Она охватывает все области менеджмента: производство и дистрибуцию, цепочки поставок и проекты, финансы и средства бизнес-анализа, взаимоотношения с клиентами и персоналом. Microsoft Dynamics® AX – глобальная система управления, ориентированная на менеджмент крупных и средних компаний. Курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX дают сотрудникам знания, необходимые для использования всего функционала программного продукта, и практические навыки их применения для повышения динамики производства на всех этапах, оптимизации управления проектами, сокращения цепочки поставщик-клиент и много другого. Главное преимущество Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональность. Эта система рассчитана на все уровни управления компанией, начиная от проставления задач и контроля сдачи проекта, заканчивая бухгалтерским учетом и средствами бизнес-аналитики. Кроме того, Microsoft Dynamics® AX способна оптимизировать взаимоотношения компания-клиент (при условии грамотного использования функциональных возможностей системы). Обучающие курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX – это возможность развивать свой бизнес и идти в ногу с современными трендами!
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