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18.03.2009 Compiler Verification Kit
Verify that the C compiler correctly compiles the C code generated by SCADE Qualified Code Generator (KCG) Подробнее »

18.03.2009 SCADE Suite KCG - IEC 61508 Code Generator
The qualifiable SCADE Suite KCG code generator produces C code that has all the properties required for safety-critical embedded software. Подробнее »

18.03.2009 SCADE Suite KCG - DO-178B Code Generator
The qualifiable SCADE Suite KCG code generator produces C code that has all the properties required for safety-critical embedded software. Подробнее »

18.03.2009 SCADE Display
Esterel SCADE Display is a flexible graphics design and code generation tool suite for the development of safety-critical embedded display systems. Подробнее »

11.03.2009 SCADE Suite
The Standard for the Development of Safety-Critical Embedded Software in Aerospace & Defense, Rail Transportation, Energy and Heavy Equipment Industries Подробнее »

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Allround Automation Direct Oracle Access Standard license
Microsoft Windows Professional 10, Электронный ключ
go1984 pro
TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX 2 developer license
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