Scanning requirements (only required if you use the technology listed below):
To scan Assembler, you need, High Level Assembler for MVS and VM and VSE, V1.4, or V1.5
For CICS region scanning, you need CICS Transaction Server, V2.2, V2.3, or V3.1
For DB2 Catalog Scanning, you need one of the following:
• DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390, V7, PTF UQ96293
• DB2 Universal Database for z/OS, V8.0.1, PTF UK00265
• DB2 for z/OS, V9
For IMS database scanning, you need one of the following:
• IMS/ESA Transaction and Database Servers, V6.1
• IMS Database and Transaction Servers for OS/390, V7.1
• IMS Database and Transaction Servers for OS/390 and z/OS, V8.1
• IMS Database and Transaction, V9.1
• IMS Database and Transaction, V10
For IMS database design (DBD) and program specification block (PSB) control block analysis, you need IMS Library Integrity Utilities for z/OS, V1.1
For COBOL scanning with compiler, you need one of the following:
• Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, V3.3, APAR PK38535 (UK22430)
• Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, V3.4, APAR PK38535 (UK22431)
For PL/I scanning with compiler, you need one of the following:
• Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, V3.3, PTF UK06462
• Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, V3.4
• Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, V3.5
• Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, V3.6
For scanning from IBM Rational ClearCase, you need IBM Rational ClearCase 2003
For scanning from PVCS (Windows only), you need PVCS, V6.8.0.0
For scanning from CVS, you need CVS client, V1, 11.1.2 (Build 41)
For scanning from Serena ChangeMan ZMF, you need Serena ChangeMan ZMF, V5.3 |