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FAQ ïî JDataStore 3.0






Crash Recovery


dbSwing/Swing Components

Administration and Performance Tuning


Question: What is JDataStore?

Answer: DataStore is a high-performance, small-footprint, 100% Pure Java multifaceted data storage solution.
It is:
A zero-administration embedded relational database, with both JDBC and DataExpress interfaces, that supports non-blocking transactional multi-user access with crash recovery.
An object store, for storing serialized objects, tables, and other file streams.
A JavaBean component that can be manipulated with visual bean builder tools like JBuilder.

Question: Is it 100% Pure Java?

Answer: Yes, JDataStore is written totally in Java.

Question: Which platforms is JDataStore available on?

Answer: JDataStore is available for all platforms where a Java Virtual Machine implements correctly the Java Specification.

Question: Which Java standards are supported by JDataStore?

Answer: JDataStore supports JDBC, Object Serialization, RMI, JavaBeans, and related standards.

Question: Which SQL standards are supported by JDataStore?

Answer: In JBuilder 3 Enterprise we have local and remoteType 4 JDBC drivers for JDataStore.
SQL support is a subset of entry level SQL92.

Question: Is JDataStore multi-user, multi-threaded?

Answer: JDataStore is multi-user and multi-threaded when used in the same process.
To use it multi-user in separate processes, start the JDataStore server and
use the remote JDataStore JDBC driver to connect.
The store should be “served” by the DataStore Server (Tools | DataStore Server).
You can connect to it using the RemoteConnection driver. The server can also be
launched standalone.

Question: Does JDataStore support Transactions?

Answer: Yes, Transactions are supported by JDataStore.
Robust applications require some level of transaction isolation. Not only do transactions ensure that you are not reading dirty or phantom data, but you can also undo changes made during a transaction. Transaction support also enables automatic crash recovery, and is required for JDBC access.
A transaction’s lifecycle begins with any read or write operation through a connection. The DataStore uses stream locks to control access to resources. To read a stream or make a change to any part of a stream (a byte in a file, a row in a table), you must be able to acquire a lock on that stream. Once a connection acquires a lock, it will hold on to it until the transaction is committed or rolled back.

Question: Does JDataStore support Crash Recovery?

Answer: Yes. JDataStore has support for automatic recovery of the more common failures like abnormal application
termination, operating system crash, and power failure.

Question: Which version of JBuilder includes JDataStore?

Answer: JBuilder 3 Enterprise includes JDataStore.

Question: How much information can be stored in a DataStore?

Answer: Databases can be 8.7 terabytes per JDataStore file with default blocking factor.
Maximum number of rows per table is 2 billion.

Question: How do you install JDataStore?

Answer: JDataStore is included with the JBuilder 3 Enterprise edition.
When installing JBuilder 3, it will also install JDataStore to that system.

Question: What is a DataStore?

Answer: JDataStore makes use of several components, among them DataStore. The DataStore component implements a database with support for storing Java objects as columns in a table or as a separate file inside the DataStore (DataStore has a built-in file system with a directory that can store tables or arbitrary application files and Java objects). The database uses a single file storage. Separate files are used for
transaction logging.
JDataStore can be accessed using JDBC drivers or by using Java Bean components.
The Java Bean access is surfaced using the DataExpress DataSet components.
The DataSet components have plugable storage. By default the use in memory storage (MemoryStore).
With two simple property settings, a DataSet can be used to open, navigate, and edit a JDataStore table directly.
Note that the DataSet and JDBC access methods are both transactional.

Question: How do you visually create/use a DataStore?

Answer: To use the DataStore:
1. Drop a DataStore component into your DataModule or Frame and set its FileName property.
2. Set the Store property of your QueryDataSet or ProcedureDataset to the DataStore.
3. Set the StoreName property of your QueryDataSet or ProcedureDataset to some meaningful name.

Question: How do you programmatically create a DataStore?

Answer: DataStore dataStore = new DataStore();
TxManager tx = new TxManager();
String dataStoreName = “myDataStore.jds”;

Question: How can I have more than one connection to the same store?

Answer: Use the DataStoreConnection component. DataStore derives from it, so if you only
want one connection, you already have it.

Question: I have a DataStore that I created with JBuilder 2.x. Can I use it with JBuilder 3.0?

Answer: Yes. But you should upgrade it using DataStore Explorer in order to make full use of
its functionality, like transactional support and JDBC Drivers.

Question: Is there any other documentation on JDataStore?

Answer: MFurther discussion on JDataStore, along with tutorials, can be found in the “JDataStore Programmers Guide.”

Question: How do I upgrade a DataStore from the previous version?

Answer: From JBuilder 3 select Tools | DataStore Explorer.
At DSX select Tools | Upgrade DataStore.
This will create a backup version of the JDataStore file.

Question: Which version of SQL is supported by JDataStore?

Answer: The DataStore JDBC driver supports a subset of the ANSI/ISO SQL-92 standard.

Question: Which SQL statements are supported by the JDBC Driver?

Answer: Please refer to the section “SQL Reference” of the “JDataStore Programmer’s Guide” for a complete answer to this.
The DataStore JDBC driver supports a subset of the ANSI/ISO SQL-92 standard. In general, it provides:
Some Data Definition Language for managing tables and indexes, but no schema, domain, views, or security elements.
Data manipulation and selection with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT; but no cursors.
No subqueries or JOINs (equi-joins are supported).

Question: Which version of JDBC is supported by JDataStore?

Answer: JDataStore offers partial support for JDBC 2.0

Question: Which JDBC Drivers are available to access JDataStores?

Answer: In JBuilder 3 Enterprise we have local and remote Type 4 JDBC drivers for JDataStore.
The driver class name is: com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver
The URL will determine if you want to connect to a local or remote store.

Question: : How do you connect to a JDataStore?

Answer: Using the JDBC API:
String driverName = "com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver";
String dataStoreName = "fileName.jds";
String url = "jdbc:borland:dslocal:" + dataStoreName;
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "userName", "");
DataExpress users will be familiar with the code snippet below.
Part of it can be generated automatically while setting up the Connection property of a Database component:
ConnectionDescriptor con =
new ConnectionDescriptor("jdbc:borland:dslocal:storeName.jds",
For Remote stores, the URL should be in the format below:
For example, on a Windows system you could use the following URL to access a store in your own machine using the remote JDBC DataStore driver:

Question: Which type of stores can I access using the JDataStore JDBC Drivers?

Answer: There are two JDBC Drivers for JDataStore: LocalConnection and RemoteConnection.
Both require a transactional store. If you want to connect to a non-transactional
store, set the "readonly" property to "true" on your JDBC connection.

Question: I created a store using DataStore Explorer and I can't connect to it using the following URL: "jdbc:borland:dslocal:\\machineName\drive\dir\storeName.jds". I'm getting the following error: com.borland.datastore.jdbc.16: Cannot change \\machineName\drive\dir\store.jds DataStore log directory to TxManager setting of ((null)) because persistent (C:\dir log directory setting still has log files.

Answer: DSX assumed an URL like "jdbc:borland:dslocal:c:\dir\storeName.jds" while creating
the store. The path was persisted for the Log files. That setting now conflicts with
the UNC format that you are trying to use to connect to the same store.
To workaround this, set the LOGA property of the TxManager to \\machine\drive\dir
while creating the store. You can also reset its persisted properties by modifying
the TxManager settings and reopening the store.

Question: How to I open a connection to a store using the DataStoreDriver to access a database with a different character set than US?

Answer: Set the extended property of the JDBC Connection using JDBC Explorer.
You can also create a Property class and add value-pair elements like:

Question: I have two connections to the same DataStore and I’m getting a Lock Timeout message when I run both. Why?

Answer: Some operations on a store are locked for a certain amount of time; you can increase
the DataStore.setLockWaitTime(n) value to try to avoid the error. You should also commit
pending transactions.

Question: Why does my application have problems reading InputStreams from a DataStore?

Answer: In JBuilder 2.01 there was a known problem with setting an InputStream column with a java.io.BufferedInputStream.
The BufferedInputStream did not always return the number of bytes requested even when it was not at the end of the file. This behavior was unanticipated by the InputStream handling logic in DataStore.
The work around was to avoid BufferedInputStream or any stream that behaves in this fashion. The problem is fixed in JBuilder 2.0.

Question: How does JDataStore support Transactions?

Answer: Transaction support is provided by the com.borland.datastore.TxManager class. A DataStore may be transactional when it is first created; or you can add transaction support later. In either case, you assign a TxManager object to the txManager property of the DataStore object before calling the create or open method.
The properties of the TxManager object determine various aspects of the transaction manager. When instantiated, the TxManager has usable default settings for these properties. If you want to change any of these settings, it must done before creating or opening the DataStore.
The first time the now-transactional DataStore opens, it stores its transactional settings internally. The next time you open the DataStore, you do not have to assign a TxManager; the DataStore will automatically instantiate a TxManager with the settings it has stored.
To open (or create) a transactional DataStore, you must also set the DataStoreConnection.userName property.

Question: How do I create a Transactional Store?

Answer: Instantiate a TxManager and set it to the datastore before or after its creation.
TxManager tx = new TxManager();
DataStore ds = new DataStore();

Question: Can I add a TxManager to a regular, non-transactional store?

Answer: Yes, (assuming that you already upgraded to version 3.0)
you can set a new TxManager before opening the store.
TxManager tx = new TxManager();
DataStore ds = new DataStore();

Question: Can I disable the TxManager of a transactional store?

Answer: Yes, set TxManager.Enabled property to false before opening the store.
If you plan to send the store file (.jds) to someone, a better option is
to disable the TxManager first. To re-enable, set the same property to
TxManager tx = new TxManager();
DataStore ds = new DataStore();

Question: How do I control transactions on a DataStore?

Answer: If you are accessing table streams inside a DataStore, use a Java bean
that extends from StorageDataSet (such as Query/Procuedure/TableDataSet).
Make sure you set the StorageDataSet.StoreName property to the table
stream name and the StorageDataSet.Store property to a DataStore or
DataStoreConnection component first.
Transactions are automatically started the first time a read or write
operation is attempted against a JDataStore table or file. To commit the
transaction call DataStoreConnection.commit(). To rollback the
transaction, call DataStoreConnection.rollback.

Question: How do I control transactions accessing JDataStore JDBC driver?

Answer: The JDBC auto commit mode, java.sql.Connection.commit(), and
java.sql.Connection.rollback() work as defined by the JDBC standard.

Question: I moved my store from its original place to another directory and now I get the following error while opening it:
com.borland.datastore.jdbc.16: Cannot change e:\dirName\store.jds DataStore log directory to TxManager setting of (e:\dirName) because persistent C:\dir log directory setting still has log files.

Answer: The LogManager found a conflict between the original log files left in the previous
directory while trying to create new ones in its new location. It can’t assume that
you don’t want those Log files so it is telling you to either rename/remove the old
log files or to also move all of them to the new location.

Question: Can I share the same TxManager with more than one store?

Answer: No, each store should have its own TxManager instance associated with it.

Question: What are some of the performance, transactional, and crash recovery issues to consider for transactional and non-transactional DataStores?

Answer: When transaction support is enabled, I have found the JDBC driver and DataExpress to
be of similar performance. DataExpress is slightly faster for simple insert/update/delete operations
When transaction support is disabled (DataStore.TxManager property is null or DataStore.TxManager.Enabled property is false), only DataExpress can be used (we may support non- transactional JDBC in the future). This is usually at least twice as fast as using a Transactional DataStore. Note that to disable a DataStore that is already transactional, you must either:

  1. Use DataStoreExplorer or
  2. Instantiate a TxManger component, set the TxManger.Enabled property to false and then set this TxManager to your DataStore.TxManager property. You can't just set the DataStore.TxManager property to null to disable transaction support.

For changes to be persistent there are two cases to consider:

  1. Transactional DataStore. For JDBC, java.sql.Connection.commit() must be called or the connection needs to be in autoCommit mode. For DataExpress, the DataStoreConnection.commit() method must be called. Note that closing a connection will also cause an outstanding transaction to be committed.
  2. Non-transactional DataStore. Again, only DataExpress components can access these at this time. There is a DataStore.SaveMode property that controls the saving of dirty
    cache blocks. There is also a Daemon thread (also used for transactional DataStores) that saves dirty pages every 100 milliseconds by default. There is a DataStore.SaveInterval property that can be used to adjust this frequency. DataStore.save() and DataStore.close() force all dirty cache pages to disk. So by default we get dirty pages to disk pretty quickly.

Whether or not a DataStore is transactional, we always know if the DataStore was
shut down properly. There is a Response event that can be wired via the
DataStore.addResponseListener, that will tell you lots of interesting things,
including the fact that a DataStore was not shutdown properly (i.e., system or
application crash). With a transactional DataStore, crash recovery will proceed to
repair the DataStore and rollback uncommitted transactions. With a non-transactional
DataStore, you can run StreamVerifier.verify() on the DataStore. If there are errors, you could use DataStoreConnection.copyStreams() to repair the DataStore.
Use transactional DataStore for for JDBC SQL access, crash recovery, and
transactional semantics (commit/rollback).
Use non-transactional DataStore for higher performance with a small chance of data
loss (no crash recovery). You may want to primarily run with transaction support
enabled, but disable transaction support to quickly perform a time-consuming batch
operation. The drawback to such an optimization is that a failure during the long-running batch
operation could leave your DataStore file in a damaged state.

Question: How does JDataStore support Crash Recovery?

Answer: Crash recovery is automatic. The system should automatically recover (when it
is reopened) from all failures except media failures.
A media failure in the database file itself (*.jds) could be recovered if:

  1. you had a backup copy of the .jds file.
  2. you archived off all the log files that were created since your backup .jds file.

Since we are a low administration embeddable database, we mostly focus on
automatic recovery of the more common failures like abnormal application
termination, operating system crash, and power failure. Recovery from damaged
media can be accomplished, but requires more administration.

Question: My machine crashed; can I recover the data from a transactional store?

Answer: Crash recovery is automatic. The system should automatically recover (when it
is reopened) from all failures except media failures. You can prevent the
automatic recovery by wiring the DataStore.ResponsEvent.
A media failure in the database file itself (*.jds) could be recovered if:

  1. you had a backup copy of the .jds file.
  2. you archived off all the log files that were created since your backup .jds file.

Since the DataStore.ResponseEvent also sends out notifications when it is about
to drop logfiles that are not needed for active transactions or for system crash
recovery, you could wire this to archive off old log files. In this case, you
are implementing a log archive manager for a DataStore.
Since we are a low administration embeddable database, we mostly focus on
automatic recovery of the more common failures like abnormal application
termination, operating system crash, and power failure. Recovery from damaged
media can be accomplished, but requires more administration.
If a DataStore is not transactional or some log files are lost, you can:

  1. open the DataStore in readOnly mode (this allows even a transactional store to be opened even though its log files are missing.
  2. use the DataStoreConnection.copyStreams() method to copy the contents to a new DataStore. It has an option to ignore errors encountered reading the source
    DataStore. DataStore Explorer will help you in performing all these tasks.

You can dump the contents of a txlog by calling DataStoreConnection.dumpTxLog().
It’s mostly for auditing purposes. It was actually added to debug—it is the
whole history with user names and time stamps.

Question: I lost my LOG/ANCHOR files; can I still access my data?

Answer: Yes, you can open the store as read-only by setting JDBC connection
java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
db.setConnection(new ConnectionDescriptor("jdbc:borland:dslocal:"+fileName

Question: Can I set the LogB dir property of the TxManager?

Answer: Yes, you can. But it will be ignored at this time.

DQuestion: What can be done to prevent and repair damaged JDataStore files?

Answer: A damaged JDataStore file can be diagnosed using the StreamVerifier. This can be executed by opening the JDataStore database inside the DataStore explorer and pressing the verify button. There is also a StreamVerifier class with several options that can be called programatically.
The typical cause of a JDataStore file damage occurs when using a non-transactional JDataStore. If a non-transactional JDataStore is not closed or its modified cache blocks have not all been saved to disk when System.exit() is called or the computer is shutdown, the database can be left in an inconsistent state.
Transactional JDataStores have built-in crash recovery. If there is a power failure or System.exit() is called before the JDataStore has been shut down, then all changes from uncommited transactions will be rolled back when the JDataStore is opened again. This recovery will leave the JDataStore in a consistent state.
The following measures can prevent JDataStore file damage:
Make the JDataStore database transactional (supported since JBuilder 3.0). Transactional Databases The DataStore Explorer can be used to make a JDataStore database transactional. You can also set the DataStore.TxManager property to make a JDataStore transactional. Update operations are slower with a transactional JDataStore, but you get the safety and consistency guarantees of transactional operation with crash recovery support.
If you use a non-transactional JDataStore, make sure you close (shutdown() since JBuilder 3.0) the JDataStore before calling System.exit(1). Note that JDataStore Daemon thread looks for modified cache blocks to save every 100 milliseconds. So the only way to corrupt such a DataStore is for the System or Application to abruptly terminate before modified cache blocks are saved.
You can also set the DataStore.SaveMode property to 2. This causes all modified cache blocks to be saved after any edit (insert/update/deleted) operation. This slows things down a bit, but increases the frequency of cache block saves. Note that DataStore.SaveMode property is ignored for Transactional JDataStores because they have crash recovery support.
A damaged JDataStore can be partially or completely repaired by using the JDataStore copyStreams facility. Use the DataStoreExplorer Tools|Copy DataStore to copy a damaged JDataStore to a new JDataStore. You can also call this method programatically via the DataStoreConnection.copyStreams() method.

Question: How can I create a table in a JDataStore?

Answer: To create a table in a JDataStore you can use any component that extends from
StorageDataSet, including Table/Query/ProcedureDataSet. See the sample below.
Note that although this example creates columns for a TableDataSet,
StorageDataSets with providers like QueryDataSet and ProcedureDataSets will
create columns as needed to retrieve the results from a provide operation. So
DataStore is an embeddable database that goes a long way in seamlessly
supporting the full semantics of the DataExpress data access components.
// === Create a DataStore with a Person table
DataStore dataStore = new DataStore();
dataStore.create(); // It is now created and open for business.
TableDataSet dataSet = new TableDataSet();
Column name = new Column();
Column address = new Column();
dataSet.setColumns(new Column[] {name, address});
dataSet.setStore(dataStore); // If not set, DataSet defaults
// to using MemoryStore
dataSet.setStoreName("/app/Person"); // specify the name of the
// DataSet table in the DataStore.
dataStore.close(); // Will automatically close any DataSet using this
// DataStore.
// ======================== Open an existing DataStore with a Person table
DataStore dataStore = new DataStore();
dataStore.open(); // Only works if DataStore already exists.
TableDataSet dataSet = new TableDataSet();
dataSet.setStoreName("/app/Person"); // specify the name of the
// DataSet table in the DataStore.

Question: Why is there an eight-second delay for showing live data in the designer after an application using a DataStore terminates?

Answer: If the application that terminates does not close any DataStore that is open, any other process must verify that the DataStore is not still open. This takes about eight seconds.
To avoid this delay, close all DataStores before exiting your application. For applications that use frames, you can trigger this from the windowClosing event. To wire this event:

  1. Select the frame (this).
  2. Select the event tab.
  3. Double-click on windowClosing. This opens the source code, with the cursor in the event handler. Put your DataStore closing code here (e.g., dataStore.shutdown()).

If you are using a JdbTable or any other dbSwing control, you can drop a dbDisposeMonitor
on the same frame and set its dataAwareControl property to this.The monitor will close the store for you. The Designer will come up quickly and the data will show up soon after that.

Question: How can a DataSet use the DataStore embeddable database component to provide persistent storage for the DataSet?

Answer: To create a table in a DataStore you can use any component that extends from StorageDataSet, including
TableDataSet, QueryDataSet, and ProcedureDataSet. See the sample below.
Refer to DS500 for a code example.

Question: Why does my QueryDataSet show only 50 rows when using a DataStore component?

Answer: At design time, the StorageDataSet.MaxDesignTimeRows is set to 50. So if the query was initially run in the designer, you got 50 rows. If you restart your application, the StorageDataSet using the DataStore knows it already has data (the 50 rows from design time), so the provider query does not need to be executed. To force the query to be re-executed at run time, call QueryDataSet.executeQuery(), or QueryDataSet.refresh().
MemoryStore actually behaves much the same way if you open/close/open a QueryDataSet: it does not execute the query on the second open. The difference is that DataStore remembers its data, so that when you restart the application it does not think it needs to execute the query again, because it already has data.

Question: Is there a deadlock risk when you have a thread that updates visual data displayed on a Swing component?

Answer: Yes, there is. Swing components can be accessed only by one thread at a time.
For example, the code snippet below calls a thread that updates a JdbTable.
This will most probably fail:
public void refreshQueries()
Thread t=new Thread(new TRefreshQuery1());
To have your runnable object put on a queue and be correctly dispatched to the Swing event thread, modify the code as follows:
public void refreshQueries()
try {
Thread t=new Thread(new TRefreshQuery1());
catch(Exception ex) {
For more information about the use of Threads with Swing refer to

Question: Which tools are available to be used with JDataStores?

Answer: JBuilder includes DataStore Explorer, which has specific utilities like
store creation, adding/modifying transactional support, copying streams,
importing files and tables (as text, based on a .schema file) browsing of
table and file streams, verifying a DataStore file, etc.
You can also rename and delete streams. You can also copy streams between
stores. And upgrade stores (from version 2.0 to 3.0).

Question: How can I import data from an ODBC source to a JDataStore?

Answer: You can [a] create a query using DataStore Explorer (Tools | New SQL Query),
[b] through the Designer or [c] write some code to do it:
[b] Drop a Database, a QueryDataSet, a DataStore and a GridControl/JdbTable
component on a frame.
Set the Database connection to your ODBC source;
Set the FileName property of the DataStore;
Set The StoreName property in the QDS. This will be the streamName inside the store.
Set the Store property of the QDS to the DataStore component.
Set the Query property of the QDS.
By the time you test your query, the store will be created.
Or if you didn't test it, it will be created by the time you
set the DataSet property of the visual control and the data
is displayed.
Don't forget that for an ODBC connection, you need first to create an Alias using
the ODBC Administrator and have the correct ODBC driver installed.

Question: Does JBuilder ship with any DataStores?

Answer: Yes, you will find a DataStore version of the Employee database at
There is also a DataStore version of the Intlemp, which uses a non-US character set.

Question: How can I improve performance of my application that uses JDataStore?

Answer: Perform commits only when needed. This operation forces the logfile entries up to the commit point to disk. Use the saveMode property of the DataStore component to control how often cache blocks are written to disk. This property applies only to non-transactional DataStores;
Setting the DataStore.tempDirName property, used by the query engine, to a directory on another (fast) disk drive may help;
Try setting the TxManager.checkFrequency higher. Higher values will result in slower recovery;
Set the autoCommit property to true;
For transactions that are reading but not writing, significant performance improvements can be realized by using a read-only transaction. The DataStoreConnection’s readOnlyTx property controls whether a transaction is read-only. This property must be set to true before the connection is open;
Make use of setSaveInterval(long interval) to control the checkpoint frequency.

Question: What keeps the space from deleted tables and files in a JDataStore database from being reused?

Answer: If the DataStore is transactional, then the DataStoreConnection.commit() method or the java.sql.Connection.commit() method must be called before deleted streams from a transaction can have their space reclaimed.

Question: How does JDataStore provides persistence for mobile/offline computing?

Answer: Since JBuilder 2.0, JDataStore provides high-performance data caching and compact persistence for DataExpress DataSets, files and Java Objects. The data store has a hierarchical directory structure that allows a single DataStore to persist multiple DataSets, files and objects.
The DataStore component can be used with any DataSet that extends from StorageDataSet (TableDataSet, QueryDataSet, ProcedureDataSet). In addition, you can use Java serialization support since JBuilder 2.0. The new DataSetData class can extract edited or unedited rows from a DataSet. DataSetData implements java.io.Serialization so it can be used as a parameter to an RMI method or manually streamed between a client and server as a stream of bytes. DataSetData also has methods for loading its contents back into a StorageDataSet.

Question: How do I deploy applications/applets that use JDataStore?

Answer: Use the Deployment Wizard from the Wizards menu.
It will help you build a .jar or .zip file with all classes (and .gif images) created by and/or included in your project.
You can also add classes manually, like dynamically loaded ones (see DS920 for Deployment of JDBC Drivers).

Question: I deployed my application using the JDBC Drivers to connect to my store and every time I run it, the following message shows up: No Suitable Driver. What is wrong?

Answer: The Deployment Wizard has no way to detect when classes are being loaded dynamically
in an application. That’s the case for the JDBC Drivers. An easy solution is to create
an instance of the Driver class that you are using in your application and let the
Wizard add it to the .jar/.zip file.
You can also add classes by hand while deploying the application/applet.
import com.borland.datastore.*;
LocalConnection lc = new LocalConnection();
RemoteConnection rc = new RemoteConnection();
DataStoreDriver dsd = new DataStoreDriver();

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