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Delphi 5

Inprise’s Delphi is now the most powerful way to create windows applications. It is the state of the art tool for Windows application development, including three-tier development, Object Oriented Programming, robust and proven database access using the Inprise Database Engine, native component creation, compilation of true stand-alone executables, easy upsizing from local databases to Client/Server connectivity, and two-way visual development tools.

We offer three different hands-on Delphi training classes:

Delphi 5 Foundations

Description: This course designed to provide attendees with the necessary skills to implement Delphi in a computing environment. The course covers the fundamental concepts of Delphi application development including IDE, Pascal Language basics, debugging, event driven programming, database tasks and exception handling.
Intended Audience: The course is targeted toward developers who may be new to Delphi but who may have experience with a visual development tool.
Course Prerequisites: A working knowledge of Windows and experience programming some high level language are imperative
Duration: 5 days

Course program:

  1. A Tour of Delphi
  2. Projects, Units, and Forms
  3. Form Designer
  4. Component Sampler
  5. Menus
  6. The Object Pascal Language
  7. Program Structure and Scoping
  8. Object-Oriented Programming in Delphi
  9. Advanced OOP
  10. Using the Debugger
  11. Exceptions in Delphi
  12. Templates and the Object Repository
  13. Event Driven Programming
  14. Advanced Object Pascal
  15. Advanced TDatasets
  16. Advanced Exception Handling Techniques
  17. Packages
  18. QuickReports

Delphi 5 Client/Server Techniques

Description: This course covers techniques associated with Client/Server application development, the ins and outs of 3-tier and Multi-tier database development. It covers such topics as performance tuning, query creation and manipulation, cached update techniques, distributed three tier application development, ActiveX creation, including thin client, Midas connections, client data sets, the Briefcase model, and Application Server methods.
Intended Audience: This course is targeted toward developers who are entering the realm of server-based relational databases, and who need to implement efficient, robust front-ends to their servers.
Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of Delphi Foundations, or equivalent knowledge thereof. Students should have a command of basic Delphi techniques.
Duration: 5 days

Course program:

  1. Overview of client/server architecture
  2. Introduction into SQL
  3. SQL Conseptions and Specifications
  4. Data Definition Language. Creating and Modifying Tables, Creating Indexes
  5. Data Manipulation Language. Inserting, Deleting and Modifying Rows
  6. Selecting Data. Types and Conditions of Data Selection.
  7. Complex Queries. Typical Troubles with Complex Queries
  8. Using Views
  9. Privileges and Roles. Data Security
  10. Introduction into Data Model Design
  11. Logical Data Models. Entities, Relations, Attributes
  12. Primary and Foreign Keys
  13. Normalization of Data Model
  14. Phisical Models. Designing Triggers and Indexes
  15. Using CASE Tools
  16. Generation of Unique Primary Keys Using Server Objects
  17. SQL Links and ODBC Configuration
  18. Using the SQL Monitor
  19. Viewing a Log
  20. Set the Trace Options
  21. Summary
  22. Using Sessions
  23. PrivateDir
  24. NetFileDir
  25. TDataBase Component
  26. Controlling DBHandlesCustom
  27. Login Dialogs
  28. Schema Caching
  29. Transisolation Levels
  30. Query Editing issues - constrained, refreshing queries
  31. Case Study: An AutoRefresh Query component
  32. SQL PassThru Mode effects
  33. Stored Procedures
  34. Returning Single Values
  35. Returning Multiple Rows
  36. Transaction Processing
  37. Cached Update Management
  38. Sessions and NetFileDir Revisited
  39. OnUpdate SQL event handler
  40. TUpdatSQL Components
  41. Insert
  42. Update
  43. Delete
  44. Application Partitioning
  45. Single Tier Applications
  46. Partitioning Business Rules Away from the User Interface
  47. Instantiation Business Rules Classes from DSSs
  48. Creating Two Tier C/S Applications
  49. Creating Three Tier C/S Applications
  50. C/S Partitioning Issues - heavy and light clients
  51. Distributed Datasets
  52. BDE Provider and Resolver
  53. TMemory Datasets
  54. Working with Oracle8
  55. Fundamentals of Designing Information Systems with Oracle8
  56. Delphi 5 Components for Data Access to Oracle8
  57. Oracle8 Object Data in Delphi 5
  58. Appendices
  59. QuickReports
  60. InstallShield Express
  61. Local InterBase
  62. DLL's and the Windows API
  63. Threading
  64. Run-Time Component Creation
  65. Using ClientDataSets in Thin Applications
  66. ClientDataSets vs. CachedUpdates
  67. Creating Application Servers
  68. Briefcase Model Development
  69. Using Provider Properties and Events
  70. Using TDataSetProviders
  71. Optimizing Data Access
  72. Adding Properties and Methods to Type Libraries
  73. Handling Transactions across N-Tier Applications
  74. Application Partitioning with N-Tier
  75. Creating Active Form Applications for the Internet
  76. Appendices
  77. Creating Application Servers using Sockets
  78. Creating Corba Objects
  79. Using MTS Objects
  80. Using MTS DataModules

Delphi Component Creation

Description: This course covers in-depth details about component creation as well as intricate topics that are not introduced in the Foundations course. It covers topics including creating properties, designing and distributing component classes, property editors, component editors, and run-time component creation.
Intended Audience: The course is targeted toward advanced Delphi developers who desire a mastery of component creation for the implementation of ActiveX controls and customized VCL components.
Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of Delphi Foundations, or equivalent knowledge thereof. Students should have a full command of object Pascal and basic object-oriented theory.
Duration: 5 days

Course program:

  1. Designing Component Classes
  2. Overview
  3. Types of Custom Components
  4. Components as Classes
  5. Creating a Simple Component, Step-by-Step
  6. Case Study: The Customer DBNavigator
  7. Component Bitmaps
  8. Object Wrapping
  9. Creating Properties
  10. Case Study: The Random Number component
  11. Adding Default Behavior to Button
  12. Delphi's Event Firing Architecture
  13. Case Study: The Custom Button
  14. Case Study: The Unfolding Dialog Button
  15. Components That Own Other Components
  16. Case Study: The Clock Status Bar
  17. Components That Refer to Other Components
  18. Notification
  19. Case Study: The Visual Table
  20. Dialog Box Components
  21. Encapsulating forms in Components
  22. Notification
  23. Case Study: The Visual Table
  24. Case Study: The Calendar Component
  25. Case Study: The Generic Search Dialog
  26. Windows Messaging
  27. Creating Custom Windows and Component Messages
  28. "Wiring" Procedures to Messages
  29. Case Study: The Broadcast Table and Reception DBEdit
  30. Adding Events
  31. Exposing Existing Events
  32. Creating New Events
  33. Events
  34. Technique
  35. Case Study: Form based Exception Handling
  36. Property Editors: Object Inspector Based
  37. Design time Interface vs. Run-Time Interface
  38. Case Study: The Clock StatusBar Property Editor
  39. Case Study: GenericSearchBar Dialog Property Editor
  40. Property Editors: Dialog Based
  41. Encapsulating Property Editor Forms
  42. Case Study: The ClockStatusBar Dialog Property Editor
  43. Component Editors
  44. Adding Experts
  45. Technique
  46. Case Study: Project Manipulator
  47. ActiveX Controls
  48. Defined
  49. Installing ActiveX Controls
  50. Creating ActiveX Controls
  51. Active Forms
  52. OLE Automation
  53. Connecting to OLE Automation Clients
  54. Creating OLE Automation Servers
  55. TAutoObjects
  56. Case Study: Creating Business Rules Automation Servers

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