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Case Technologies and Case Tools

Duration: 5 days

Course consists of two parts:

  1. Designing Quality Process Models with BPwin
  2. Introduction to Database Design with ERwin

Designing Quality Process Models with BPwin

Description: This course provides:
  • The structured approach to process modeling through the deployment of the IDEF0 modeling technique
  • The ability to develop IDEF0, IDEF3 and DFD models using BPwin
  • Insighting into development of process models that associated with supporting data models
  • Overview of how process models can be used as an effective tool in Business Process Re-engineering
Duration: 2 days

Course program:

  1. Introduction into the Course
  2. Plan
  3. Develop
  4. Integrating Activity and Data Models
  5. Validate
  6. Maintain
  7. Creating IDEF3 and DFD Models to add IDEF0.

Introduction to Database Design with ERwin

Description: This course provides:
  • The structured approach to data modeling through deployment of the IDEF1X modeling technique
  • The capability of developing IDEF1X models using ERwin tools
  • Clear understanding of how to transform a logical data model, built using ERwin, into a physical database model
Duration: 3 days

Course program:

  1. Introduction into the course
  2. Plan
  3. Design
  4. Generate
  5. Version 3.5 Enhancements
  6. Development Links and interfaces
  7. Model Management - ModelMart

Tel/Fax: +7(095) 105-0049
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