Corporate Document Management System
PayDox document management system is a next-generation corporate
system. Its corporate functionality (balance calculation for payment documents,
reporting, and accounting) exceeds that of ordinary document management systems,
and its operation and maintenance are much simpler than those of ordinary management
The system was designed to work with payment documents, namely, to control
payment documents; to create reports for contract payment balances; and to create
reports for enterprise payment balances, payment control, and debt and arrears
reports. The system administrators and advanced users can form new types of
documents and reports by themselves.
System functions
1. Modern architecture
- Three-level arrangement - client, application server, Database server
- Central enterprise Database containing the whole corporate information
- Separation of an accounting and management documents
- Possibility of creation any new types of documents
- Automatic preparation of MS Word / MS Excel outgoing documents
- Reports created by users
2. Control tools
- Task control
- Contract control
- Control of employee operation with documents
- Document access control
3. Monitoring the movement of goods and materials
- Creation of records of the movement of accountability units
- Specifications for the good compositions
- Product mix handbooks
- Fast information search in the handbooks for data written in document cards
- Real-time reports for the movement of goods and materials and real-time
in-stock balance for distributed stocks
Comparison of PayDox with ordinary DMS and large corporate
ERP systems

Paydox: much cheaper than ERP, much better than ordinary
- Secure. Paydox is completely based on the Internet technologies and
information security means that are used by western financial institutes to
ensure the safety of financial transactions.
- Unifies all offices. Can be used via both a local corporate network
closed from an external access and the Internet.
- Integrated with MS Office. The data from document forms are on-fly
inserted in MS Word or MS Excel documents loaded by the user from a web-server.
- Easy in use. User operates with conventional MS Word and MS Excel
files added to the system by him/her (or a system administrator) and changed
by him/her if necessary (e.g., according to changed tax report requirements),
and the system inserts actual data into the documents during loading these
- Maximum flexibility and functionality. Documents can be received
as conventional MS Word or MS Excel editable files and the data in the documents
are in the system database to be used in control and accounting functions.
References to documents related to the user go through e-mail notifications,
and each user can have a list of e-mails with active references to required
documents on his/her computer. The user only clicks an e-mail to have a required
document ready. The documents hold in the server rather than in user's computers,
which significantly increases the security. Documents required for work can
be downloaded from the system to a user's computer.
Easy access. No need in special software to be installed on a user's
computer, users work with the system through an ordinary Internet browser.
4. Payment records
- Payment document control and accounting.
- Reports for contract balance of payments.
- Reports for enterprise balance of payments.
- Handbook of the types of financial operations.
- Fast search of payment documents and information inside them.
5. Handbooks and databases
- User handbooks.
- Department handbooks.
- Position handbooks.
- Handbook of document types and document specifications.
- Operation handbook that allows adjusting the system to financial, payment,
or accounting operations used at an enterprise.
- Accountability unit database that allows controlling the whole bill of accountability
- Counteragent handbook containing information about business partners of
an enterprise.
6. Security
- Protection of data transferred via a corporate network by the means of
strong cryptography used by financial institutes for financial transactions
- User document access separation by confidentiality, department, action,
accounting or management documents.
- Setting up an automatically controllable user access period.
- Storage of all electronic documents in the database rather than in a user
7. Capacity
- The system was developed using the latest development tools for Internet
applications: one installation can serve a few thousands of users.
- The system is scalable: the capacity can be increased by only increasing
the power of computer equipment for the system web-server and database
8. Operation and maintenance
- Operation and maintenance simplicity: the system is only installed on a
server and should not be installed on user computers
- Users work with the system through an ordinary Internet browser and receive
completely prepared MS Word documents from the system.
- End users or branch employees can work with the system through both the
Internet and a direct modem connection to a corporate server in case of high
security requirements.
9. Simplicity for users
- Easy training: PayDox uses an MS Internet Explorer well known for all users
and MS Word as a client software
- To use PayDox end user can be trained in one hour.
- The system can be adapted to provide user access via WAP protocol
- The system functions can be modularized for a certain user.
10. Integration with existing corporate applications
- The system open architecture allows it to be adapted to virtually any customer
- The use of standard tools of connection to databases allows one to integrate
the system with database-based corporate systems already operating in the
- The use of standard tools of working with a web-server and e-mail allows
one to integrate the system with an enterprise corporate web-server and e-mail
11. Service for affiliates, representative offices,
and business partners
- One system installation allows for servicing an infinite number of remote
distributed affiliates and representative offices
- One system installation can serve for an infinite number of legal entities
(companies joined by a common business)
- One system installation allows for communication with different languages
such as Swedish, German, English etc.
Paydox Document Management systems was developed by Paybot LLC in cooperation
with Interface Ltd. Developers of Interface Ltd. can modify, localize and customize
Paydox to better suit your e-business needs.

One system for all employees, branches and business-partners.