Delphi & CBuilder 10.1 Berlin(BigBen) with LINK

После покупки RAD Studio компанией IDERA - это будет первый релиз под новым руководством. На данный момент информации о будущем релизе практически нет. Известно имя новой студии - Delphi & CBuilder 10.1 London (BigBen). Из новых возможностей поддержка Linux с x32/x64архитектурой. Версия компилятора 310. Следите за данной темой - как только будет доступна новая информация о этой версии - мы ее опубликуем тут
27.01.2016 - Кодовое имя London сменили на Berlin
Версия bds.exe  на данный момент: Berlin 24.0.22128.5503
Появилась дорожная карта на 2016 год. Разделили ее на 2 части: Весна(BigBen) и Осень([size=14.6667px]Godzilla). 
Что нас ждет Весной:

  • Separate or floating form designer for VCL & FMX
  • Refactoring in C++
  • FireUI App Preview - preview your forms on any target (desktop and mobile) while using the form designer in the IDE
  • FireMonkey Enhancements for Windows, Mac and mobile

    • Address Book/Contacts component
    • Style Designer & ListView Items Designer
    • Numerous other features including ListView touch animation, grid improvements, Windows accelerator key support, font enhancements and more

  • Multi-Device Designer Improvements

    • Including Form Designer Preview on Device
    • Android Wear Styling & new FireUI views

  • IoT or Internet of Things

    • Extended Bluetooth LE support
    • IoT connectivity framework that turns off-the-shelf and custom IoT smart devices, sensors, and wearables into easy-to-use API components
    • Support for Bluetooth LE and Z-Wave device components
    • ThingPoint - Enterprise access points for your IoT devices which extends EMS functionality

  • Window/VCL

    • Improvement to WinRT bridge including Bluetooth LE support for Windows 10
    • DirectX 12 Support

  • Delphi Compiler & Language

    • Native support for Utf8String type on all platforms
    • Support for weak and unsafe interface references on non-ARC platforms, like Windows

  • C++ CLANG 3.3 on all platforms
  • FireDAC Driver Updates - including Oracle, DB2, Interbase, SQLite, and Advantage

Планы компании на осень:

  • Apache modules in WebBroker and support for DataSnap and EMS
  • FireDAC Linux database access
  • Linux platform support for console apps with IoT support
  • We will formally support Ubuntu Server & RedHat Enterprise. We will extend the formally supported Linux distributions list over time as demand dictates
  • Windows based IDE with cross-compiler, deploy and debug via PAServer
  • Linux compilers will be for Intel 64-bit server, LLVM-based and ARC-enabled

  • IDE UI improvements and styling
  • Update of all C++ compilers to newer versions of Clang
  • Further improvements for GetIt, both for the package manager and the installer
  • New Windows 10 VCL controls
  • More FireMonkey platform native control support
  • Windows 10 Centennial support (pending Microsoft release of the Centennial Universal Windows Platform bridge)
  • Support for coming versions of iOS and Android

29-03-2016The Berlin release contains the following new and improved features.

1 Improved Installation Experience
2 FireMonkey
2.1 Android 6.0 Support
2.2 Address Book for iOS and Android
2.3 Improved Style Designer
2.4 New ListView Item Designer
2.5 Extended Clipboard Support Service
2.6 Improvement on the Image List Editor
2.7 TGrid Improvements
2.8 High DPI Support on Windows
2.9 Improved Support for Accelerator Keys
2.10 Support for Extended Font Styles
2.11 Hint Property Changes
2.12 Simplified Dialog API
2.13 Other FireMonkey Changes
4.1 Apache Server Support
4.2 Cross-Domain API Calls to the EMS Server
4.3 EMS EdgeModules
4.4 EMS EdgeModules Resource
4.5 ThingPoints Overview
4.6 EMS API Resource
4.7 Custom API Documentation
5 DataSnap
5.1 Support for JSON Streaming
6 Web Broker
6.1 C++ Projects from Previous Versions Using Web.WebReq Need Updating
7 FireDAC
7.1 Improvements for DB2
7.2 Improvements for MongoDB
7.3 Improvements for Advantage
7.4 Improvements for InterBase and Firebird
7.5 Improvements for Informix
7.6 Improvements for ODBC
7.7 Improvements for Oracle
7.8 Improvements for PostgreSQL
7.9 Improvements for SQLite
7.10 Other FireDAC Changes
8 dbExpress
9 Cloud Service
9.1 Amazon
9.2 Azure
10 REST Client Library
11 LiveBindings
12 RTL
12.1 Bluetooth LE and Beacon Support on Windows 10
12.2 Improved Bluetooth LE Discovery Performance
12.3 Bluetooth LE Includes New Events to Handle Subscriptions to Characteristics
12.4 Eddystone Beacon Format Support
12.5 Improved Beacon Scan Performance
12.6 TBeaconDevice Component Supports Eddystone Beacon Format
12.7 BeaconFence Enhacements
12.8 Asynchronous HTTP Request Support
12.9 Encrypted ZIP File Support
12.10 Improvements to Lists of Strings
12.11 Improvements to TMemIniFile
12.12 Buffering Support for TFileStream
12.13 Modified JSON Path Syntax to Access Object Properties
12.14 Optimization of Regular Expressions and String Replacement
12.15 HTTP Connection Improvements
12.16 URLEncode / URLDecode Functions
12.17 Use TMessageBase Instead of TMessage for C++ Projects
12.18 C++ Functions added to TRect, TRectF, TPoint, and TPointF Types
12.19 Other RTL Changes
13 Native APIs
14 Delphi Compilers
14.1 Performance Improvement when Compiling Generics
14.2 Attributes Supported by All Compilers
14.3 Other Delphi Compiler Improvements
15 C++ Compilers
16 IDE
16.1 Floating Form Designer
16.2 FireUI Live Preview
16.3 GetIt Dependencies
16.4 Bookmark Stack
16.5 Selection Expansion
16.6 Method Toxicity Metrics
16.7 Structure View Improvements for C++
16.8 Android Service Improvements
16.9 Support for Running iOS Ad hoc Applications
16.10 Customizable info.plist File
16.11 Design-Time Improvements for Android Smart Watches
16.12 New Options Page for File Associations
16.13 New Option to Show Information Messages from the Delphi Compiler
16.14 New Option to Hide/Show the Navigation Toolbar
16.15 High DPI Awareness
16.16 Other IDE Changes
17 Debuggers
17.1 iOS and Android Debuggers
17.2 64-bit iOS Debugger
18 Utilities
19 Sample Applications
20 Help
21 Topics
22 See Also

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