What's new in IBM Rational / Telelogic Rhapsody: Graphical Panels (download)

Источник: rhapsody

Учебный видеоролик Что нового в IBM Rational / Telelogic Rhapsody: Graphical Panels позволяют создавать интерфейсы прототипа разрабатываемого изделия для моделирования, валидации, проверки коммуникационных протоколов.

This viewlet shows how the Rhapsody Graphical Panel feature enables you to easily simulate models by creating a mock-up or prototype of the design to validate the behavior. This feature offers an excellent way to communicate design behavior to your customer or management, ensuring that you are delivering the desired behavior. You are able to create a diagram with knobs, buttons, meters, text boxes, sliders, etc. and bind these items to model elements to control or monitor the design. This provides a great way to demonstrate the design and, additionally, provides you with an easy way to create a debug interface for the design. Graphical Panels are available as part of the Rhapsody Tools & Utilities Pack™.

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