JDataStore™ 3.0

Pure Java Database

25-Word Description

JDataStore is a Pure Java DBMS that delivers true platform independence and portability, enabling developers to create, deploy, and support database applications that reach the market faster.

50-Word Description

JDataStore is a Pure Java DBMS that delivers true platform independence and portability, enabling developers to create, deploy, and support database applications that reach the market faster. With its small footprint, virtually zero administration, and top performance, JDataStore provides developers with an optimum solution for embedded, Web, and mobile database applications.

100-Word Description

JDataStore is a Pure Java object/relational DBMS offering a fully integrated development environment. Because JDataStore delivers Pure Java implementation and a small footprint, it allows interoperability across platforms and can be shipped and downloaded with any application. With JDataStore, you get replication/synchronization with any database, SQL and direct navigational access, as well as transaction management and crash recovery. JDataStore can function as a server or be embedded into “client-side” or remote applications with top performance and virtually zero administration. JDataStore provides a complete solution for all-Java platforms, including mobile computing, Internet applications, Web servers, and Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) servers.

Interface Ltd.

Tel: 7+(095) 135-55-00, 135-25-19
E-mail: mail@interface.ru
Äàòà: 19.11.99